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  • Cautionary tale for NC, as New England beaches close over wind-turbine shards July 27, 2024
    Nevertheless, when a turbine in the Vineyard Wind offshore wind-energy facility experienced a sudden failure July 13, it spread fiberglass waste across the sea, which began washing ashore. Local officials warned about “floating debris and sharp fiberglass shards” and cautioned beachgoers not to go barefoot. The Nantucket Harbormaster had to close all southern-facing Nantucket beaches, […]
  • Broken wind turbine blade ‘crisis’ fuels NJ beach disaster fears July 25, 2024
    A New Jersey anti-wind group is demanding the state stop giving the green light to new offshore wind projects as pieces of fiberglass continue to wash up on the beaches of Nantucket. The renewed calls for a moratorium on awards from the state Board of Public Utilities came from nonprofit Save Long Beach Island on Monday, […]
RSS Eureka Springs Independent
  • Judge and JPs tired of wind farm pushback July 24, 2024
    County Judge David Writer ended the July 16 quorum court meeting with a plea to the public to temper their opposition to the wind-turbine project planned south of Green Forest. Although a spate of ordinances to resist the wind farm have failed, Writer is still dealing with a variety of protests. He shared a letter […]
    Mike Ellis
  • Council OKs consecutive entertainment districts July 24, 2024
    Public comments that started the Eureka Springs City Council meeting July 22 were largely concerned with a permanent entertainment district. Ken Fogel and Karen Lindblad spoke against the proposal saying it would cause a myriad of problems such as drunk driving, noise, and traffic snarls. Three people had their letters read into record also speaking […]
    Alissa Bandy
  • HDC grants pillar removal and garage demolition July 24, 2024
    The Historic District Commission had postponed a decision on two projects at its July 3 meeting. Last week, the HDC approved both those projects. At 42 Prospect Ave., Keith Scales and Rebecca Becker had asked to remove failing stone pillars on the front porch. Scales proposed replacing them with tapered wooden columns, in keeping with […]
    Mike Ellis
  • CAPC grapples with Aud rental fees July 24, 2024
    At the July 17 City Advertising and Promotion Commission workshop, Tourism Director Mike Maloney tossed out several ideas for how to make auditorium rental work equitably, including charging a flat fee or a structured fee based on a scale. The CAPC spends about $6300 per show, a cost that includes ushers, security, staff, concessions, and […]
    Alissa Bandy
RSS National Wind Watch: Wind Energy News
  • Six associations déposent un recours contre le parc éolien de Bretagne sud July 26, 2024
    L’Union française des pêcheurs artisans ainsi que plusieurs associations environnementales ont déposé un recours en annulation contre le projet de parc éolien flottant en Bretagne sud auprès du Conseil d’État, mettant en doute la santé économique du consortium porteur du projet Pennavel. Dans un communiqué daté du 24 juillet, un collectif d’associations a annoncé avoir déposé […]
  • “Ça va saccager le paysage” : des riverains mobilisés contre la construction de quatre éoliennes July 26, 2024
    Des riverains se mobilisent à Banyuls-dels-Aspres, dans les Pyrénées-Orientales, pour protester contre le projet de construction de quatre éoliennes sur des parcelles communales. La mairie se justifie par la nécessité d’avancer vers des énergies renouvelables, et les retombées fiscales pour le village. Ils étaient une cinquantaine, rassemblés devant la mairie de Banyuls-dels-Aspres (Pyrénées-Orientales), mercredi 3 […]
  • Broken wind turbine blade ‘crisis’ fuels NJ beach disaster fears July 26, 2024
    A New Jersey anti-wind group is demanding the state stop giving the green light to new offshore wind projects as pieces of fiberglass continue to wash up on the beaches of Nantucket. The renewed calls for a moratorium on awards from the state Board of Public Utilities came from nonprofit Save Long Beach Island on […]
Visit Stop These Things

  • Europe’s Nuclear Reset Means Wind Turbine Makers Face Total Collapse July 27, 2024
    Europe’s wind and solar industries are on the ropes, thanks to the sudden embrace of ever-reliable nuclear power across the Continent. Producing machines that can never produce power on demand was always going to end in tears. But moves to amp up construction of nuclear power plants – initiated by the French and followed by […]
  • Oil & Gas Producers Making Massive Profits From Intermittent Wind & Solar July 26, 2024
      Oil and gas producers are making a killing thanks to chaotically intermittent wind and solar, providing fuel to run gas and diesel generators as so-called ‘backup’. Mike Holly apparently doesn’t like monopolies and has a set against hydrocarbons. However, he makes a fair point targeting oil and gas producers making a killing every time […]
  • Sunset & Calm Weather Reveal Wind and Solar’s Inherent & Fatal Flaw July 25, 2024
    If a 9-year-old proposed wind and solar as a generation system, you’d give her a gold star but tell her to do better next time. You’d go on to explain that electricity is needed around-the-clock, irrespective of the weather, and that households and businesses want to operate without interruption. Your tutorial on energy supply and […]
  • Utterly Pointless Slaughter: Offshore Wind Industry’s Whale Carcass Count Mounts July 24, 2024
    Wind power is utterly pointless because it can’t be delivered on demand, which means there’s absolutely no justification for the offshore industry’s rampant whale slaughter. Anyone with a shred of empathy for charismatic marine mammals is entitled to consider what’s being done in the name of ‘saving the planet’ utterly criminal. And rightly so. The […]