
Stop Wind Farms in Arkansas

Mission & Vision


To provide all of Arkansas with information, details, suggestions on preventing the corporate industrial wind companies from taking away the very essence of Arkansas, the Natural State. Be strong friends. Remember, silence is consent

Take Action Today

step 1:  Read background, pros and cons covered by Eureka Springs Independent Newspaper. This is the first article and type in search bar for hundred more.

step 2: join facebook group:

Stop Wind Farms AR on facebook

step 3: Inform everyone these turbines plan to start in Nortwest Arkansas and branch out to Boone and Madison, on and on until Arkansas is covered in needless industrial wind turbines. Ask your friends to sign the petition here and join these groups.

step 4: Organize your own local group. This is pro-active to inform people. This wind company approached citizens prior to 2016. First lease was signed in 2016. And now, in 2023...the rest of us found out. Yes, quiet for 7 years.  Ask your County Judge to hold town hall meetings. I am happy to provide information.

step 5: Inform your Quorum Court members to write ordinances now protecting the health, safety and welfare of all citizens, wildlife, pets and livestock with protective set-backs. Read and click on additional information for the actual ordinance that can be used as a guide:
